
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Here is a way to hang onto summer just a bit longer: read a summer romance!

One typo is all it takes.

When teenage heart-throb movie star Graham Larkin accidentally sends small town girl Ellie O'Neill an email about his pet pig, Wilbur, she decides to reply, never expecting that their online conversation will blossom into a romance. The two discuss everything under the sun, except for their names and backgrounds. Then Graham finds out that Ellie's Maine hometown, Henley, is the perfect location for his latest film, and he decides to take their relationship from online to in-person. But can a star as famous as Graham really start a relationship with an ordinary girl like Ellie? And why does Ellie want to avoid the media's spotlight at all costs?  What secret is she and her mother hiding?

Taking place over the course of just one summer, This is What Happy Looks Like is a mix of celebrity glitz and small town Maine coziness…and a feel-good way to hang onto summer just a bit longer.

If fate sent you an email, would you answer?

Happy reading,

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