
Monday, July 30, 2012

Lock Down II

We are having another Library Lock Down on Monday, August 20 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. This is an event for students in Middle School (going into grades 6, 7, and 8) We do require pre-registration. We must have a minimum of 25 in order for the program to happen.

At our first Lock Down, we had a great time. Don't miss out on the fun.

To register, call the Youth Services Room. 883-4723 ext. 6277

Have questions about your Book Trailer?

Have you made your book trailer? Are you having some problems with it or do you have questions? To help answer any questions or further motivate those who are nervous about putting one together, Cathy Potter will return to host another Book Trailer workshop on Tuesday, August 14 at 5:30 to 7 PM. Registration is required.

This is a hands-on workshop, so we do ask that participants bring a computer or mobile devise that allows them put a trailer together.

Please, call the Youth Services Department if you have any questions. 883-4723 ext. 6277
Email Mrs. C. at mrsc(at)scarborough(dot)lib(dot)me(dot)us

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Last night, Wednesday, July 18, 2012, the Library hosted a workshop for teens on How to Make a Book Trailer, led by Cathy Potter, school librarian at the Falmouth (Maine) Elementary School. Cathy had plenty of great examples and offered some very useful handouts to help those interested in learning how to make their own book trailer. Fast becoming a cool way to promote a book, it opens a lot of creative possibilities that combines the use of technology with a love of reading.

 Things to consider when putting it all together:

1. Cover of the book
2. Title of the book
3.  Will you use photos, images, videos or live actors to represent the story
4.  What is the problem in the story
5.  List the main character(s)
6.  In one or two sentences, describe what is happening in the story.
7.  What would you use as transitions or special effects?
8.  Find music that fits the mood of the book
9.  Pacing of the slides and music.
10. Can you put all these parts together in under 2 mins?

If at any time you have questions and you have a portable device, bring it in and I can answer your questions. Remember our contest. Make your book trailers and turn them in (bring them in on a flash drive) to Mrs. C. by August 18. The person who wins will receive a Flip Camera!

Here is a link to Cathy Potter’s site.

A follow up session is planned for August. More details to follow.
To view Mrs. C's book trailer (I made it after the workshop) click here.