
Sunday, April 7, 2013

April is National Poetry Month!

And we have been celebrating in the Youth Services Room!  A group of young poets attended two after-school poetry workshops.  They had a lot of fun creating poems from book spines.  Here are some examples of their Book Spine Poetry:

       They also created Six-Word Memoirs (describing something about themselves in exactly six words) and Poetry Tweets (writing a poem using only 140 characters or less, like a tweet).  I'll share some examples of these in the next blog post, after you've had a chance to hear the poets speak their words!

       Come to the library this Wednesday, April 10th, from 6:30-7:30 when the young poets will share their poems.  You are invited to share your poetry, too!  So bring a friend and be at the Youth Services Room on Wednesday.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the time you gave to the young poets, Connie. We have been enjoying many different poems at our house this month. We all had a good time at the poetry event you hosted and look forward to next year!
