The FitzOsbornes in Exile: The Montmaray Journals, Book II
by Michelle Cooper
Reading a review of The FitzOsbornes in Exile, the newest book by Michelle Cooper, sent me looking for A Brief History of Montmaray, Cooper’s first book in the series, The Montmaray Journals.
I had shelved A Brief History of Montmaray many times, yet had little interest in reading it. I think it was because of the cover; I just assumed it was another story filled with crumbling castles, vampires, and a long-forgotten mystery. Boy! Was I w

Instead, I stumbled upon a book filled with intrigue and romance. The story is set in 1936 on the remote island of Montmaray, where the last descendants of an impoverished royal family attempt to survive.
Written as journal entries, we are immediately drawn into sixteen-year-old Sophia FitzOsborne’s dilemma: How can she convince her cousin, Veronica, to leave their island home and travel to dazzling London to be presented to society? Both girls are princesses, but Veronica, a year older than Sophia, is determined to stay on Montmaray to continue her research for her massive tome, 'A Brief History of Montmaray'.
Sophia records the day-to-day adventures with Veronica, her younger sister Henry (her real name is Henrietta, but she changed her name because she wanted to be a boy), Rebecca, the often hostile housekeeper who looks after Veronica’s father, John, who is King. Sophia also shares her love for the handsome Simon Chester and her longing to go to London for her debut into society.
Readers will quickly understand that with the instability of a world on the verge of war – Hitler is rising to power – things will quickly change and never be the same again.
Oh, and did I say there is a murder and a mystery!
If you have read, I Captured the Castle by Dodie Smith or A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly, you will absolutely be enthralled by A Brief History of Montmaray. The sequel, The FitzOsborne’s in Exile picks up Sophia’s narrative five days after A Brief History ends.
Happy Reading… Lire Pour le Plaisir!
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